Investigations into the engineering use cases where close range photogrammetry could provide a solution for on-site millimetric surveying.

POC Study 3: Live asset capture test with scale control
Comparing point clouds created by a terrestrial laser scanner and close-range photogrammetry using a new standardised equipment and processes.


During a collaborative project on the value of setting out a master control network (MCN) on an asset to produce a reality captured digital twin, the opportunity to test the viability of engineer captured objects using close range photogrammetry was identified. Using new equipment and building on another test, we designed this study to gauge the accuracy of the point cloud using a control measurement board. A pre-existing terrestrial laser scan (TLS) point cloud was used to validate the results. The aim was to move closer to having a standardised survey kit and procedure that would produce the results engineers needed for small modifications and replacements.

Engineering image

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